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Friday, February 3, 2017

Emotional Freedom Technique to Quit Smoking

You must quit smoking if you wish to live longer and healthier. Longevity has no room for a cigarette smoker. Cigarette smoking is not a way of life for healthy living for longevity.

Cigarette smoking is the worst health hazard in America today. According to the Surgeon General of the United States, approximately one-quarter-million of Americans die each year as a result of cigarette smoking. If you wish to age healthily, quit smoking.

(1) Cigarette smoking is one of the three major factors—the other two factors are high blood pressure and bad cholesterol—contributing to heart attacks and strokes. A smoker is 10 times more at risk than a non-smoker.

(2) Cigarette smoking is bad for the lungs, resulting in emphysema, chronic lung disease, and chronic bronchitis. Cigarette smoking is also implicated in cancers of the lungs, esophagus, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, and bladder.

Understandably, it may be extremely difficult to quit smoking. Many cigarette smokers have been led to believe that cigarette smoking is just a "habit," not an addiction; they have the illusion that it is just one of those "bad habits" in life. Unfortunately, due to its mood-altering effects, cigarette smoking promotes consistent and repetitive use, leading to tolerance, and subsequently the cigarette addiction.

According to research, approximately 75 to 85 percent of the 50 million smokers in the United States would want to quit smoking, but find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to give up smoking. That is because quitting always inevitably leads to many undesirable withdrawal symptoms, including weight gain. If you are among one of those struggling to fight the addiction, you should exert extra effort to quit smoking.

Do not erroneously believe that "filter cigarettes" are safer than regular ones. They are not! Research studies have shown that smoking lower-nicotine cigarettes may result in inhaling more deeply, taking longer puffs, and smoking longer to compensate for the lower level of nicotine. Filter cigarette is as deadly as non-filter cigarette.

But the main problem is "how" to quit smoking successfully?

Many doctors, psychologists, and professionals worldwide have begun to use Emotional Freedom Technique, known as EFT, a breakthrough tool to release the emotional links in the subconscious mind to help quitting smoking.

EFT is is also now being used by the military to overcome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In fact it seems that the possibilities for using EFT are endless.

EFT can successfully release the bonds and links in our subconscious mind, allowing us to reprogram our emotional responses.  These are the same emotions that are connected with thousands of thoughts we all have each day. EFT can release the worry of withdrawal symptoms, and the stress and anxiety you may experience as you try to quit.  It is so powerful that you can release the fear of weight gain and the anxiety over your fear of failure.  For more information, click here.

So, if you are still a cigarette smoker, you must quit smoking today!

Stephen Lau 
Copyright © 2017 by Stephen Lau

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