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Monday, February 27, 2017

Becoming A Better Person

Have you ever wondered: there has to be much more to life than this—the life you are living right now?

If you have, then maybe you should also ask yourself three most important questions in life: Am I happy? Am I wise? Am I good?

Life is a journey of self-discovery, a continuous process of asking self-probing questions and seeking self-enlightening answers from them. The answer to every thinking question you ask may naturally change over time, because life is forever changing. But change is good and transformative: it enhances your life-adaptive skills. The more questions you ask, the wiser you become because you are more ready to receive the enlightenment from the answers derived. Asking questions holds the key to attaining true human wisdom—the wisdom needed to be a better and happier you.

In life, you choose the way you feel. You are seldom, if ever, a victim of your circumstances. If you feel depressed, it is more often your choice, rather than due to your physical problems or mental conditions. As a matter of fact, it has much to do with your thinking about how you feel about what you have and what you want in your life. More specifically, it has to do with your happiness, or how you look at your happiness.

If happiness is to be found in things that are outside, instead of inside, yourself, you may have easily become unhappy. For example, you may have set a certain standard of living, a certain set of criteria for relationships, and a certain number of material possessions you desire; you may then naturally become depressed and unhappy when your external realities are not realized. In a way, you may have imprisoned yourself with these pre-conditioned external realities. In other words, you have the ability and capability to make yourself unhappy. In a way, you may have become the proverbial bird so used to the self-imposed cage that it will not fly away even when the cage door is wide open. That explains why your unhappiness is your own making because your mind is ingrained in what it has set to get out of life, instead of looking elsewhere, such as inside yourself, to seek the happiness that has been eluding and evading you.

Human happiness has to do with the thinking mind: how you perceive what you feel, and how you interpret your perceptions; which is human wisdom. If you become wise, you may be happy, and you may also become a better person.

Be A Better and Happier You With TAO Wisdom

This book contains the whole script of the 81 short chapters of Lao Tzu’s immortal classic TAO TE CHING, which underlies his wisdom (known as TAO wisdom). Understanding his profound wisdom helps you attain true human wisdom  through asking self-intuitive questions, creating an empty mindset with reverse thinking to let go of the ego-self in order to become a better and happier you. Being better and happier is essential to living a life as if everything is a miracle. In order to do just that, you need human wisdom, in particular, the wisdom of the ancient sage from China thousands of years ago.

Without any punctuation mark and in exactly 5,000 words, the language of the original text of Tao Te Ching is deliberately intriguing and even perplexing—one of the reasons why the book has become one of the most translated works in world literature.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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