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Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Attitude of Humor in Longevity

Being younger for longer is a state of mind. If you are disease-free, there is no reason why you should not live to a ripe old age and still remain young in heart, mind, and body.

Obviously, genes play a pivotal role in being younger for longer. Other than what you have inherited from your parents, the rest is all up to you: you are responsible for your being younger for longer. Diet, exercise, lifestyle (drinking and smoking), and stress (interpreting and coping with daily stress) are health factors contributing to being healthier for longer.

But how do you make yourself younger for longer?

The attitude of humor

The mind is most powerful in that it controls how you think, and what you do. The key is to learn to control you mind, instead of letting your mind control you.

Humor or laughter is a good tonic for treatment of diseases. According to the 2006 International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, a sense of humor can significantly improve the survival rate of end-stage renal disease patients by as much as 30 percent. The reason is simple: positive distractions from stressful situations, such as dialysis, have salutary effects on the patient.

Norman Cousins, in his book Anatomy of an Illness, was able to cure himself of terminal cancer by exposing himself to as much humor as he could get from movies and comic books.

Develop a good sense of humor.

If you wish to be a happy and successful individual, develop a good sense of humor. A good sense of humor helps you solve your problems, improve your relationships, and have a positive outlook on virtually every aspect of your life, especially issues of health and getting old.

Developing a sense of humor requires a different perspective on things in life. Changing your perspective means going back through your entire life and looking at all the belief systems that you have inculcated through different experiences in different stages of your life. It is not as simple as you may think, but it is worth the effort, because a good sense of humor may help you in your adversity. Life is full of problems. A good sense of humor controls how you see your problems in your life.

There are several ways to develop a good sense of humor:

Always see yourself not in the center of things, but rather a part of it. Your problems may not be uniquely yours; others may have the same problems, and worse, for that matter. Do not be too self-centered.

Never take yourself too seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself – your mistakes, your foolishness, and your weaknesses. 

Remember, nobody is perfect.

Live in the present. The way of Zen is a healthy outlook on life. According to Zen, everything is constantly changing, including your body and thoughts, and if that is so, then what you really are, can only be experienced in each moment. Zen philosophy is to live in the present moment, and this is the only reality. Live in the present moment, appreciate it, and enjoy it to the fullest.

Always putting a smile on your face not only helps you develop a sense of humor but also gives joy to others. Smile is contagious.

Make a list of all the things you enjoy in life – things that really make you happy. Remember and recall them at all times.

If you can laugh at yourself and join in with the laughter of others, it can bring not only much more joy but also many more years to your life.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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