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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Turning Grief and Sorrow Into Happiness

Happiness makes your life meaningful and living worthwhile. Nearly every one of us pursues happiness. Unfortunately, happiness is like a carrot stick in front of us, forever unattainable. Why?  It is because life is never a bed or roses: it is forever filled with grief and sorrow.

Given that everything is this world is impermanent, grief and sorrow are as inevitable as death.  But don’t let your grief and sorrow make you unhappy over the long haul; protracted grief and sorrow may lead to depression and negative thoughts that may haunt you for the rest of your life. Overcoming grief and sorrow requires an understanding of how you should process your grief and sorrow. Above all, it demands an honest understanding of who you really are, and why you are here.

To illustrate, after the death of a dear friend or someone close to you, you may experience a period of denial—refusing to accept the harsh reality of death. This is the human mind's self-delusional way of shielding us from painful emotions associated with grief and sorrow. 

Then next comes anger: anger with yourself or whoever responsible for the death of your loved one. The human mind always looks for an answer or explanation of why something undesirable happened. If you blame yourself, then guilt and regret may ensue; if you blame others, you cherish anger or hatred towards that individual.

The last phase is bargaining with God or with a higher power about reversing what has happened to you. You may even beg God (or fate) for second chances, using "what if?" and "if only" sort of pleas.

These are the phases that make you unhappy. How do you turn your grief and sorrow into happiness? You need wisdom to know your true self -- who you really are, and not who you wish you were.

Be A Better And Happier You With Tao Wisdom is based on the profound human wisdom expressed in “Tao Te Ching” written by Lao Tzu, an ancient sage from China. The book not only contains the translation in simple English of the complete text of this 5,000-word immortal classic, but also shows you how to attain true human wisdom through asking self-intuitive questions, creating an empty mindset with reverse thinking to let go of the ego-self in order to become a better and happier you.

Happiness plays a pivotal part in the art of life and living well. The mind plays a pivotal role in shaping one’s personality, which is responsible for one’s happiness or unhappiness. In other words, your personality is all in your own thinking, just as Descartes, the famous French philosopher, once said: “I think; therefore I am."

Stephen Lau 
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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