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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is There Another Way to Live Your Life?

The mind controls everything: how you  think, how your experience what happens to you, how you perceive your past and present experiences, how you anticipate your future expectations, how you make  decisions and take actions that affect your future experiences. In short, your thoughts become the raw materials with which you weave the fabric of your life.

Unfortunately, we were never taught how to think. Albert Einstein rightly said: “Thinking is difficult; that’s why so few people do it.”

You are who you are and what you have  now become because of how you think; that is, your thoughts have become you.  Given that life is complex, and living is never simple,  it is important that you know how to control your mind, and hence your  thoughts to enable you to make the best and the most out of your life.

When you were young in the early phase  of growth and development, you were exposed to the world around through your five senses; then your mind began to process what you perceived in your  experiences, generalizing and interpreting it according toy our mental input, and applying it whenever and wherever you thought appropriate and applicable. Over the years, these perceptions and experiences have made you think this is  who you are. You seldom challenge your thoughts.
If you have not been living a life of your dream, most probably it is because your mind has been pre-conditioned by your thoughts. Remember, where you are right now is only temporary -- conditioned by your mindset. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your life; it's just that simple!

We are all living in a belief-generated world, and our beliefs are generated by the media, the people around us, and, most notably, by ourselves in our subconscious minds. Our beliefs create our own reality in life. If we believe we can change for the better, we can. On the other hand, for instance, if we believe we are victimized by our fate, then our victim mentality will keep us in that state indefinitely until we change that negative mindset. To make any significant change in how we think, we must separate ourselves from our thoughts, and this requires mental awareness. To develop and enhance this mental awareness, we must, first of all, have the intent to change, that is, our total responsibility for what is happening to us or what we have become.

Now, you can see how powerful your mind is. Yes, there is always another way to live your life; nothing is set in stone. If you don't like the life you are living now, don't just sit there, whining and complaining about this and that. Do something about it! Your mind is the most powerful life tool. Make good use of it.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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