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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Liver Health and Overall Health

The liver is called “liver” because it is an organ that reflects how well you have lived. 

The liver is a fat-burning organ: it not only burns fat but also pumps excess fat out of your body system. The liver also turns glucose (blood sugar) into glycogen (energy) for storage in your liver. Your glycogen controls the amount of glucose released into your bloodstream, thereby maintaining your blood sugar level. A healthy blood sugar levels prevents the development of diabetes, which damages vision and creates many health issues. To live longer, you need a healthy liver. Your liver regulates your carbohydrate metabolism, which plays an important role in weight control. Too much fat in the abdominal area may impair your fat metabolism, turning your liver into a “fatty liver” which then becomes a fat-storing organ. A “fatty liver” is an obstacle to any attempt at weight loss, which begins at the liver.

A healthy liver means healthy living not only of the body, but also of the mind and the soul. First of all, the liver is your main body organ responsible for distributing and maintaining your body’s “fuel” supply. Any deficiency of this supply may lead to diseases and disorders.

How can you tell if your liver is healthy or not? It’s simple: just by looking at your eyes. For centuries, Chinese doctors have looked at the conditions of their patients’ eyes to assess their health; for example, constant redness in the white of the eyes may indicate dysfunctional circulatory and respiratory system; yellowish skin under the eyes may be a sign of overactive liver and gallbladder; water-containing bags under the lower eyelids may suggest congested digestive and excretory systems; and general lack of luster in the eyes may attest to a congested liver. A deep line formed between the eyebrows may also be an indication of congestion in the liver due to anger quick reaction to anger; liver affects your mental health. (visit my website: Chinese Natural Healing)

To ensure you have a healthy liver, regular body cleansing and detoxification may hold the key. 

  • Drink organic unsweetened apple juice daily for 2 to 3 consecutive days to initiate detoxification.
  • Drink a mixture of organic pure olive oil (4 ounces) and equal amount of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Shake well and drink immediately before going to bed.
  • Drink ginger tea daily for liver and bowel cleansing. Juice one lemon, a two-inch fresh ginger root, four cloves, and one stick of cinnamon. Add juice to two cups of water in a saucepan.  Bring to boil, and simmer for 10 - 15 minute before drinking it.
  • Add a pinch of sea salt to your drinking water to alkalize it, as well as to provide important minerals and trace elements.
  • Eat a raw diet of only fruits and vegetables, with no dairy products, for 2 to 3 days.

According to a research study at the University of Edinburgh on stress and liver disease, there is a possible link between high levels of psychological distress and deaths resulting from a variety of liver diseases. The study provides further evidence for the important links between the mind and the body, and of the damaging effects psychological distress can have on physical well-being of an individual. Stress affects the liver health. Overcome stress by letting go of the ego-self. No ego, no stress!

Stephen Lau 
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Thursday, July 7, 2016

29 Smart Steps to Teach Your Smart Kid to Read

This 117-page is based on how I taught my daughter to read some 30 years ago. 

Like all proud parents, I was and still am proud of the fact that I could teach her how to read when she just turned three (most children learn at the age of five). The TV and all electronic devices may not be as effective as YOU, the parent, to teach your child through everyday intellectual interactions, games, and activities. 

This book provides 29 steps that could begin as early as your baby is one-month-old. My daughter became a proficient reader when she was five (reading books with little or no illustrations). By seven, she would not let me teach her anything -- she could find everything from books. It paid off and it's worth all the initial efforts in teaching her to become an early reader. Now she's an attorney in the United States.  I wrote this book because she has recently become a mother herself, and that's why I wrote this book to share my experience some three decades ago.

Also, read my book" Make Your Smart Baby Super Smart.

Stephen Lau

Monday, July 4, 2016

Money and Aging

Money plays a major role in your retirement. You need money to retire, as well as to continue a similar lifestyle that you lead while you are working. Even if you decide to modify or simplify your lifestyle, you still need money.

Yes, money plays a pivotal role in aging and longevity, as well as how you are going to live the rest of your life. Given the importance of money, you need to know what money is all about, especially as you continue to age.

With that goal in mind, you need to estimate the amount of money you need throughout the rest of your years. The amount is also influenced by when you want to retire. That is, retiring at the age of 55 is not the same as retiring at the age of 70, because life expectancy affects your retirement savings. You need to know your assets and liabilities: assets are the things you possess that have value when you exchange them for cash; liabilities are the debts you owe. Your net worth is all your assets minus all your liabilities, and it changes over time because your assets, expenses, and liabilities change too. Therefore, you need to review your financial situation and re-calculate your net worth annually or on a regular basis.
Your aging and longevity are impacted by your spending, which has to do with the value of money, which plays a pivotal role as you continue to age. 

In the past, people could enjoy the blessings of life without spending real money. Nowadays, to many people, enjoyment of life requires money — and lots of it! According to Buddha, craving or desire for material things is the source of all human miseries. Jesus also has this to say about money: “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven.” (Luke 18:25)

So, what is the value of money? More importantly, what does money mean to you? Your perceptions of the value of money determine two of the most important things in the rest of your life: how you are going to live the rest of your life; how you are going to spend your money. 

The value of money should be based on your core values in life, such as integrity, which has little to do with money, and which is an important value that our Creator has bestowed on each one of us. Essentially, integrity is the value of what life has to offer, not the value of things purchased with money. Your core values affect your attitudes towards how you are going to live the rest of your life, irrespective of how much money you have.

The bottom line: spend money wisely according to your needs, and not your wants; be grateful for what you have, and be generous to those who are less fortunate than you age.

Read my book: Your Golden Years and Santa ClausFind out how to age gracefully and happily in your golden years, just like Santa Claus.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© 2016 by Stephen Lau